Author Guidelines
We appreciate you deciding to send us your paper. By following these guidelines, we can make sure we have all the materials needed to enable a seamless peer review, production, and publication process for your work. Make sure you are aware of all the requirements by reading the directions for writers for the publication you have selected before submitting your paper.
Getting Your Paper's Structure Ready For Submission
The following format should be used when compiling your paper: title page; abstract; keywords; main text introduction, research materials and methodology, findings, discussion & conclusion; acknowledgments; declaration of interest statement; references; appendices (as appropriate); table(s) with caption(s) (on individual pages); figures; figure captions (as a list).
An article for this publication should not exceed 11,000 words, including the following: abstract; tables; references; captions for figures or tables; footnotes; and endnotes.
Font: Times New Roman, size 12, double-spacing between lines.
Margin: A minimum of 2.5 cm (1 inch) is required.
Title: Put your article title in bold and capitalize the first letter of any proper nouns.
Author details: The submission has to include the names of all contributing authors. Please list the authors in the order that you would like them to appear in publication. For each contributing author, it is required to include the following information:
- Email address of the author.
- Author name. Any middle names and/or initials they would like specified must be included, as we will replicate it exactly.
- Author affiliation. When doing the research for the paper, here is where they ought to have been situated.
It is essential that all writers who have made a noteworthy contribution to a multi-authored paper be listed. There should be an acknowledgements section dedicated to those who have supported the research but did not contribute directly to it.
Abstract: Each submission needs to have an abstract including short explanations that cover the objective, methodology & approach, results and originality of the paper. Your abstract should not exceed 250 words in total.
Keywords: In order to make your article discoverable, keywords are essential. You should include no more than six relevant, brief keywords in your entry.
Data availability statement: Provide a data availability statement for your work in the body of the manuscript, before to the "References" section. In order to make it easier for readers to find, don't forget to title it "Data availability statement."
References: Your manuscript's references must all be formatted in APA style (American Psychological Association). Make sure you double-check the accuracy, consistency, and completeness of each and every citation.
Spelling and punctuation: Make sure you apply the spelling and punctuation style consistently throughout your article.
Formatting and Templates: Only papers submitted in Word format are accepted. It is best to save the figures apart from the text. We give you formatting template(s) to help you with your paper preparation.
A Word template is available for this journal. Kindly save the template to your computer so that it is ready for usage.